303-720-9424 | 13606 Xavier Ln STE E, Broomfield, CO 80023 | Offering Virtual Services throughout Colorado & In-Person Services in Broomfield, CO

It’s that time of year again – back to school!  For many, it’s a time of excitement and anticipation but it’s also a time when many students and parents experience increased stress and anxiety.  Stress among college students is high because of the transition to young adulthood and everything that means in our society – increased academic, financial, and personal responsibilities and uncertainty about the future – to name a few.  Check out the infographic below for more information about college stress and tips for taking care of yourself when stress shows up in your life!

An infographic by the team at College Degree Search



Catherine S. Tilford, MA, NCC, LPC is a Licensed Professional Counselor offering individual, couples, and group therapy services in Westminster, CO and specializes in eating disorders and disordered eating, body image, depression, anxiety, and personal growth.  Please feel free to contact Catherine with any questions or to schedule an appointment.