Nutrition Counseling
Feel Lost In Your Relationship with Food?
- Are you often overwhelmed by thoughts of food?
- Do you categorize foods as “good” vs “bad”?
- Have you felt trapped by feelings of guilt about eating?
- Are you wanting to change your eating habits to move toward eating disorder recovery?
Understanding nutrition can feel impossible in a world where information can become skewed by diet culture. Wouldn’t it be nice to have just one reliable source for nutrition information so you could start to repair your relationship with food? Nutrition counseling can provide you with a trustworthy place to ask questions about food and provide you with support to make those changes needed for your recovery.
We’re Bombarded with Messages about Food
It’s normal to feel confused and overwhelmed when thinking about food and nutrition. Everyone has something to say about nutrition nowadays and when you’re struggling with an eating disorder – this can be dangerous. Often disordered eating behaviors – like cutting out food groups, eating too little calories, or over-exercising can be disguised as “normal” behaviors in the diet or wellness industries. Of course you would believe these behaviors are normal when major industries are promoting them! Hearing misinformation about food and nutrition only perpetuates the use of unhealthy disordered behaviors. The good news is, with the help of an experienced eating disorder dietitian, you can learn about nutrition the right way and finally be able to break free from the vicious cycles of restricting, binging, purging and exercise – and finally start LIVING!
Nutrition Counseling Can Help You Recover
Having an experienced eating disorder dietitian as part of your treatment team is especially important when working towards recovery from an eating disorder or disordered eating. As a Certified Eating Disorders Registered Dietitian (CEDRD), Emily believes all foods fit and works from a weight inclusive, non-diet, food freedom lens to help you find peace with food and your body. As part of the eating disorder treatment team at Embrace Strength Counseling, Emily will be your nutrition ally to help you learn about what is right for YOU in your journey to recovery.
Nutrition therapy will support you in nourishing your body and interrupting unhealthy eating disorder behaviors in a solution-oriented way. In nutrition counseling sessions, we will offer strategies for consistency with food, meal planning, cooking, and grocery shopping. You will also learn skills for interrupting disordered behaviors. We will identify the beliefs that perpetuate disordered thoughts, while challenging these with fact and reality to support you and give you strength for positive behavior change. Emily provides a safe space for you to be honest with your struggles and find a way to move through those struggles. Together, we will identify the barriers that make it difficult to move towards eating disorder recovery.
It won’t be this way forever. You won’t always be confused by nutrition or consumed with worry and guilt around food. With the support of nutrition counseling, you can find peace and even joy in you relationship with food. Our Certified Eating Disorders Registered Dietitian, Emily, has over 7 years of experience treating eating disorders and disordered eating. She has specialized training and clinical experience treating eating disorders at all levels of care. She is passionate about helping you in your journey to recovery!
Find Peace with Food and Your Body
If you would like to schedule an appointment or find out more about how Emily can support you, please email our director at or call us at 303.720.9424. For information about eating disorder therapy, please visit our eating disorder treatment page. We offer a free initial 20-minute phone consultation so we can answer any questions you may have and see if it’s a good fit.
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